How to record purchases that to be sold


Hello Everyone,

I am new here and for SAGE. I need some hand holding here.

I am buying unique stuff that I am going to sell. So it is not the kind of  regular inventory to be stored.

I get the order from my customer, then place order to my vendor, get it from vendor and sell it to the customer.

So I had the vendor setup. Also, I had an account for  my vendor in 1520 Inventory, so I can trace each vendor.

Then named 5020 COGS after the vendor, so I can track the cost from him. (Or so I thought!).

Then named 4020 Sales account after him, So I can track sales from his vendor.

(I am not sure whether my idea is right.)

When I input the purchase from this vendor, I name the unique name for item to help the inventory. In the linked account, what are the two accounts I have to link?

(Asset and COGS accounts)

Then when I sell, in the invoice, I select the item from the inventory, put my price and other details. But what account I have to choose in the invoice?

Is it 4020 Vendor A?

Any help will be appreciated. I tried to check the archive with no success.

