When to create an invoice vs. just paying an expense



I am new to bookkeeping and have had formal training in bookkeeping however they never really taught us when to use the create an invoice feature vs. the pay an expense option.  I am doing books for a company once a month so I receive everything once it has been paid and everything is up to date and paid via direct withdraw from their credit cards or bank accounts so we just get the bills.  The transactions are consistently the same (mostly subscriptions to software and cloud storage) and usually/rarely differ from month to month. Currently I just use the pay expenses tab to input everything so I don't have to create a hundred plus inventory items for invoices.  They also have gas and meal expenses so those are done the same way. I am very detailed when I use this method, is it an ok way to do things or should I be using invoices.  Rent is done with invoices since currently they are trading services for rent and utilities and I am using a cash clearing account to still keep track of the transactions with taxes that are not trading actual dollars (they are labeled as a trade). 

Thanks in advance for the help