SQL Tables / Invoice Payment / Journal Entries for Current & Past FYs


Working on a report for the AP team to better schedule payments for our vendors.

The Sage documentation is quite good – but there are a few gaps I’m struggling with.

Vendor Payments:

 I see that there are two sets of tables for Vendor invoices.

    1. tVenTr / tVenTrDt – Vendor Invoice Transaction Details
    2. tiTLU / tiTLULi – Invoice Lookup/Details

I have built a pretty slick week-based Supplier Aged Report using the tables from tables in A above – but even after reviewing the tables in A and the tables in B – It’s not clear to determine if a particular invoice has been paid or not – but now that I dig into B – it has a bit more info that is useful.  I’m reading online – and folks are saying there is no ‘way’ – except to programmatically sum the invoices BEFORE him to determine if he’s paid or not.  Is there a better/easier way?

Why are there two sets of tables that have, what appears to be, similar data? They do not appear to have a direct relationship.

Journal Entries:

Not 100% clear in the documentation, but I believe the Current_FiscalYear, and Last_FiscalYear are treated similarly, whereas all other older Fiscal Years become "historic" by migrating data to TableXX names.

Does that mean that Current_FiscalYear and Last_FiscalYear share tAccount and tActDpt tables - while maintaining separate JournalEntry/JournalEntryAcct Allocation tables? If not - where are the Last_FiscalYear tAccount and tActDpt equivalents?

Am I understanding this correctly?

    1. Current Fiscal = tJourEnt / tJentAct / tAccount / tActDpt
    2. Previous Year =  tjEntLY / tJEntLYA / tAccount / tActDpt
    3. Historical =  tjEHxx / tjEAHxx / tActHinf / tActHDpt
      1. * I see that historical tables link up based on the indexes found in tActHDat. I believe I understand that correctly. After rolling a year, all JE’s/Department/Accounts are migrated to HISTORIC years

Appreciate your help!

Thank you.
