Hi, I've been on a chat this morning with Sage only to learn I have to install the past back up because 2025.1 will not allow anyone else but the data user to access data in the newest version. I had to roll back to 2025.0 and re-install a prior back up. Unfortunately we lost a lot of data due to this. The auto back up did it in the 2025.1 version so we had to go from a prior version. If you use remote data access, I wouldn't recommend updating until the fix is in place. We've had issues with switching between multi and single users since the 2025 update and 2025.1 hasn't fixed that either. Nor has it fixed the back up issue. If you try to do a manual back up, you will get a warning that you must be the owner of the file to do that (and even as the owner of the file, I would get the same message and the program would kick me out after completing a back up). It has been very frustrating. After spending some time with a tech, he disconnected because I was taking too long, so I was forced to restore all the back ups on my own and re-share with my team. Now we are playing catch up and trying to get the missing journal entries back into Sage. I hope Sage gets this fixed sooner than later, as we are using the accountant edition and I feel like we are guinea pigs for everyone else. Now that this version has failed, perhaps it won't get rolled out for the rest of the users by tomorrow. Not a happy camper.