2025.1 Update issues with Remote data access


Hi, I've been on a chat this morning with Sage only to learn I have to install the past back up because 2025.1 will not allow anyone else but the data user to access data in the newest version. I had to roll back to 2025.0 and re-install a prior back up. Unfortunately we lost a lot of data due to this. The auto back up did it in the 2025.1 version so we had to go from a prior version. If you use remote data access, I wouldn't recommend updating until the fix is in place. We've had issues with switching between multi and single users since the 2025 update and 2025.1 hasn't fixed that either. Nor has it fixed the back up issue. If you try to do a manual back up, you will get a warning that you must be the owner of the file to do that (and even as the owner of the file, I would get the same message and the program would kick me out after completing a back up). It has been very frustrating. After spending some time with a tech, he disconnected because I was taking too long, so I was forced to restore all the back ups on my own and re-share with my team. Now we are playing catch up and trying to get the missing journal entries back into Sage. I hope Sage gets this fixed sooner than later, as we are using the accountant edition and I feel like we are guinea pigs for everyone else. Now that this version has failed, perhaps it won't get rolled out for the rest of the users by tomorrow. Not a happy camper.  

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    Hi  ,

    Thanks for reaching out and sharing your experience. We understand how frustrating this situation has been for you, especially regarding the 2025.1 update and its impact on remote data access and backups.

    To help clarify, Sage has provided an announcement here with frequently asked questions regarding Sage 50 Canada 2025, including guidance on troubleshooting and updates.

    If you're still encountering issues switching between multi and single users or backing up files, I recommend reviewing the announcement for any available fixes or contacting support for further assistance. Your feedback is valuable, and Sage is working on resolving these concerns as quickly as possible.

    Let us know if you need further resources or assistance – we’re here to help!

    Warm Regards,

    If this helps, please mark it as verified :)

  • 0 in reply to Erzsi_I

    At this point, I would be happy to have that issue again, as no one is able to access their remote user files through 2025.1. Only me, as the user can access the files. We had to revert back to 2025.0. Unfortunately, one of the employees can no longer get into sage at all after removing it from his computer. Our IT department has determined that he requires a compete reinstall of Windows in order to get Sage back. This latest update has caused some serious problems and a lot of downtime. Wishing we could go bac to the 2024 version but we would loose way too much work at this point. Can you please advise when 2025.1 is working for remote access and then we will download it again.. Thanks.

  • 0 in reply to Tracy at CEC

    Hi  ,

    Thank you for your continued patience while working through the issues with Sage 50 version 2025.1 and Remote Data Access. Based on the notes from your recent support session, it seems some progress was made, though challenges remain regarding automatic backups and file accessibility.

    To ensure all concerns are addressed, I’ve asked a support representative to follow up with you directly. They will review your support ticket details and provide personalized guidance on the next steps, including troubleshooting installation paths and restoring backups correctly.

    If there’s anything specific you’d like addressed before the follow-up, feel free to share here. Thank you again for your patience and for working with us.

    Warm regards,

  • 0 in reply to Erzsi_I

    Thank you. We are currently trying to re-enter all the data we lost from the last back up. I look forward to hearing from the technician. The support ticket was closed because I was working restoring the back ups and the rep closed my session... so I continued on my own. .We're back online with 2025.0 but keep getting prompted to download 2025.1 when exiting and don't' want to risk it until the program is fixed and ready for remote access users. We have several companies that had to be returned back to 2025 so this is a lot of extra work for the team. As well as one computer that won't accept Sage 50 anymore and our IT team has had to uninstall and reinstall Windows on that computer. That computer won't be ready until tomorrow for use.

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    This needs to be fixed!  We are working and it is too late to roll back.  I have 3 clients that are in limbo because of this problem.  Spent 2 hours on the phone with technical support and they are unable to help.

  • 0 in reply to Dawna Delainey

    I feel your pain. This update is a real problem. Not really a "live" account if everyone needs to use the data owner's login... and as the owner of the company, I don't need my staff looking at all the clients data... which is exactly what will happen if they have to login as me every time. It's ridiculous.

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    We are unable to open any company  files either.  We get "There is an error connecting to the server.  Please check your internet connection and try again." after entering the sysadmin usernamen and password.  No login prompts.

      We have tried the Knowledge Base article to login to a shared company file and get another error You have a valid Login but you are not authorized to use this feature.  Contact your Sage ID Administrator so you can use this feature.

    We can't open any company files.  We have tried converting to French and back to English as per Support Chat but that stopped working today as well.  And we can't call in to get support today as their phone support is closed to due overwhelming call volume.  Anyone else have a fix other than reverting back to 2025.0?

  • 0 in reply to Erzsi_I

    Votre FAQ ne dit absolument rien. 
    J'ai contacté le support et tout ce qu'on nous dit c'est que c'est un problème connu et qu'ils travaillent à trouver une solution. En attendant, on paie (très cher) un abonnement pour avoir plusieurs utilisateurs en même temps et seulement une personne peut ouvrir son sage depuis la mise à jour! 

  • 0 in reply to Jeremy Bartel

    If you own the file as the original data owner you should be able to get back in, but with Remote access, you will be the only one that can get in. For us we had to revert back to the 2025.0 version and that has it's own glitches, but at least it still works for all users to access... Hopefully you have a back up from before you rolled ahead.

  • 0 in reply to Tracy at CEC

    Kinda defeats the purpose of Remote Data Access......

  • 0 in reply to Tracy at CEC

    Hi, yes we can revert back to 2025 - we have hundreds of company files from different owners / subsidiaries within our different businesses , and 2025.1 update doesn't always show us the data owner's email address.  sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't.  In our internal testing before rolling out the update to production, most company files were unable to be opened, and did not report the owner's email address. 

    Also any company file with a sysadmin linked to an email address or bank feed, or sage HR that needs and email address to be changed, can't be upgraded to 2025.1 since their reset tool isn't compatible or working yet with 2025.1.  We were advised by Sage today to stay at 2025.0 until they can figure out a solution.   Will keep others posted. If anyone has any workarounds, or tips, that would be great while we wait with payroll tax table updates until Sage fixes it.

  • 0 in reply to Tracy at CEC

    this affects both remote data access and local if the sysadmin user has a linked email address.

  • HRRRR Same problem since monday !!! No solution !! We need an easy acces user...

  • 0 in reply to Jeremy Bartel

    Same. We can access files that have a email linked to the sysadmin user

  • 0

    We have the same problem, anyone has viable solutions? what's point only data owner can login? how about other users?

  • 0 in reply to RachH

    Spoke with a wonderful Senior Tech yesterday and they expect this to be resolved within a week.  In the meantime, I just need to log in (Connect to Shared Company) using my client's login info.  Select Connect to Shared and when you get to the site... at the top of the screen is the option to login as a different user.

  • We are having a lot of similar issues as yours as well since we updated to 2025.0. No other users but data owner can save a backup.

  • 0 in reply to Jeremy Bartel

    This seems to be the problem with any file that has an email attached to the sysadmin, even if the file has never been on remote data access.  We gave up an reverted back to 2025.0.  Fortunately for us we hadn't converted more then a couple files.  Sure hope they fix it soon

  • 0 in reply to Cherylynn Lumasag

    We are getting the remote data access/error with conversion message, and we use Sage 50 with single user only. None of the current resolutions work for us aside from reverting to 2025.0. What is also interesting is the upgrade does not allow you to refuse it. There is only an OK button. We had to refuse to upgrade when the computer asked if it was ok for Sage to make changes. Too bad there is not a better way to warn users until after they have the problem and search the web for solutions. Sage has a message coming up within the software, but the message should say not to install the upgrade until they fix it.

  • 0 in reply to Tracy at CEC

    I own my files and use a private virtual server to "share" them on multi-user mode. Initially when i did the update i was able to access the files with more than one user, but when i came back to the office this morning the "There is an error connecting to the server.  Please check your internet connection and try again." error keeps coming up. Is there a work around for this given we don't use the remote access? It's the last working day before the holidays and I can't access any customer information, inventory, etc. Not to mention all the work that could be lost from yesterday before the update. Upset is an understatement. 

  • 0 in reply to Courtney Mackay

    given the wait time for a fix is a "week" according to this thread, and its both our inventory count week, and our year end, (as is the case for MANY other businesses) we've decided to revert to the older version of Sage. Respectfully this is horrible timing and an email should be going out to all users to NOT install this update until a fix is had. 

  • 0 in reply to J Shim

    I have repeatedly asked Sage to allow us to decline the upgrade... especially when they do the release to accountants before other users.  There are many times that I DO NOT want to upgrade but the only solution is ctrl-alt-del (task manager to shut down the process).  We should have the option.

    In addition, when having to put in the 2SV verification code (logging into remote) we should have the ability to cancel the whole sign in.  Due to the 2025.1 fiasco, I had to log into a clients Remote Data.  She wasn't around so I could not get the code from her.  As a result, I ended up shutting down work for the day because I could not longer access my files.

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    We users have ALWAYS been the beta testers for Sage.  As per a conversation I had with them in the past when they had some other kind of update issue.

  • 0 in reply to Dawna Delainey


    I am not sure if this is what you are referring to.  However, under Help, About Sage 50...., Support Info, there is a button, Modify Product Update Settings, that will show the dialog in the front of the image below.

    Unchecking the second option will allow you to indicate you wish to Install Later when the program closes.  You will still be notified there is an update each time you close the program.

    In addition, if the update does start, the Cancel button has always worked for me.  I did have one client indicate this year the Cancel button was greyed out but I haven't had time to test that.  I never install from the close of the program.  I always get all my backups as necessary, make sure the program is closed and then go to the download and start the upgrade/update from there.

    For the October releases that upgrade from one year to the next (eg. 2024.2 to 2025.0), you can install it but just not use it.  This does not work for payroll updates at other times of the year because they change the current installation instead of creating a new one.