Data Owner Issue 2025.1 Update


After doing the 2025.1 update, we can no longer log in to our data. When the employee who was previously the data owner left, we updated email addresses to a generic accounting department address so that we wouldn't have issues when employees changed jobs. All has been fine until this update. We first get an error message saying "To complete this action, you need to restart Sage50 and log in with (previous employee's email address) which is the login of the data owner. While that was supposed to have been changed over months ago, after fighting with it for hours, I reinstated her old email so that we could log in with it. When I try to login with that email address that the original error message stated we needed to use, I get a new error message saying "You have a valid login but you are not authorized to use this feature. Contact Sage ID administrator so you can use this feature." We cannot get through to tech support after trying constantly for days and we can't log in to our files due to this loop that we can't get past.