EI & CPP Payble & Expense


Okay, so I am a new learner to Simply accounting and was taught to input payroll deductions in GJ in the following steps:

(1) debit to 5410 Gross wage (2)credit to 2190 Tax ded (3) credit to 2185 CPP ded (4) credit to 2180 EI ded (5) credit to 1060 Net pay (6) debit to 5430 CPP employer portion (7) credit to 2185 CPP employee portion (8) debit to 5420 EI Employer Portion (9) credit to 2180 EI Employee portion

My accountant to me this was wrong way to do it and that EI and CPP were showing as not being paid out.  I want to do it the right way. My question is: What are the correct steps? Any reponse would be really really appreciated! Thanks so much.