DATABASE QUERY: Find qty of a particular sku that has been purchased/received since date.


As per the subject, could someone help me with the query to find the Quantity Received since a particular date for a particular SKU ?

If an order is placed for 10 of SKU(ABC)

we receive 1 on date X, I'm assuming TODATEQTY would be 1.

we receive 1 on date Y, I'm assuming TODATEQTY would become 2.

But where do you see the date each was received?

As per documentation:


    PURCHASE_HISTORY_HDR.PH_DATE (purchase order date)

    PURCHASE_HISTORY_HDR.RECV_DATE (The date that the items detailed on the purchase order are actually received)


    PURCHASE_HISTORY_DTL.BVORDQTY (The quantity ordered in buy unit of measure)

    PURCHASE_HISTORY_DTL.BVTODATEQTY (The quantity received in buy unit of measure)