Hi All
Reputation management is so important, and I was hoping someone would be able to give their thoughts and advice on how I can get buy-in for reputation management activity.
I look forward to reading your responses.
Hi All
Reputation management is so important, and I was hoping someone would be able to give their thoughts and advice on how I can get buy-in for reputation management activity.
I look forward to reading your responses.
Hi Faith
In the business world, having a good reputation is so important for a number of reasons.
First off, it helps build trust and credibility with the people and organisations that are connected to your business.
When investors see that your business has a good name, they’re more likely to put their money into it. Also, having a good reputation can make other companies want to work with you. They see that you’re trustworthy and think that teaming up could be a win-win.
Another bonus is that a good reputation can drive your business’s value. If you decide to sell, buyers might be willing to pay more for a business that’s known for being solid and respectable.
On the customer front, your reputation can pull people in. They’re more likely to choose your products over the competition’s and to stick around for the long haul.
And let’s not forget about hiring—if your business has a good name, it’s easier to attract those super-skilled employees that can help your company grow even more.
All-in-all, reputation is a big deal in business.
Hope this helps, any questions please let me know.
Hi David
Thank you so much for your response. It is very informative and helpful.
Best regards
Reputation management can be a tough sell until people see the impact firsthand. I worked with a small plumbing company that didn’t think ORM mattered much… until a few bad reviews started costing them jobs. We used Proxyle to track feedback and respond quickly, and once they saw the difference, they were all in. Sometimes, showing real examples—before/after results or how competitors handle it—helps people realize it’s not just about looking good online but actually protecting the business.
*Community Hub is the new name for Sage City
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