Gender Pay gap reporting


Can you tell me should Parental leave (statutory) deductions deducted from Gross pay in each period as negative pay code be included in the Gender pay gap report or omitted please.


Helen Mooney 

  • Here is an example that I am questioning

    On reporting for Gender pay gap should Parental leave affect the basic pay reported for the employee.


    For example


    In month 1 Employee x takes 1 week Parental leave Basic Pay is €2500 less €500 negative pay deduction for Parental leave taken.  Basic pay is now €2000  so Report €2000 for Gender pay gap reporting.




    In month 1 Employee x  takes 1 week parental leave Basi Pay is €2500 standard less the  €500 Parental negative pay deduction for the parental leave taken.  Basic pay is now  €2000.   However report €2500 and ignore

    The €-500 Statutory parental deduction made in month 1?