I have been using Sage for 40 years, having upgraded many times,. Helping Sage to become the company they are today. My reward is that Sage are going to shut down my software for my business unless I pay a monthly ransom. Because that is what it is. It is like being hacked and told to acess your data you have to pay a monthly fee. Eventhough the Software that I am using was paid for many times over the years.I would be interested what your thoughts are. I am sure that this decision by Sage will have detremental effect on the business. Showing that it does not care for the businesses that put them where thay are today. It is all about making money and reneging on the loyalty of businesses that have supported them. They CAN if they wanted to solve this issue, but they choose not too. October 1st will be an interesting day with the negative feedback about Sage as well as potential lawsuits for businesses unable to operate. Also the ramifications of years of data unacessable to businesses and HMRC. I am looking forward to your reply....