How to write off quantity programmatically?


Hi all,

My Stock Item is sold by weight quantity in decimal. this situation often left the balance as less than 1 i.e.: 0.002, 0.003 and so on. This happen to a lot of stock items, so I wanted to write off the Actual Quantity and Free Stock Quantity in bulk. I will upload an excel file that contain the Stock Code, and match to the stock item in Sage 200.

For the write off function, I was referring to this page

but unable to find the WriteOff() function under Sage.Accounting.Stock.BinItem binItem class.

So I try to update the quantity as in the code below, but it only change the Free Stock Quantity to 0. The Actual Quantity still have the original value.

foreach (BinItem bi in wo.stockItem.Locations)
    bi.WarehouseItem.QuantityAllocatedBOM = 0;
    bi.WarehouseItem.QuantityAllocatedSOP = 0;
    bi.WarehouseItem.QuantityAllocatedStock = 0;
    bi.WarehouseItem.QuantityReserved = 0;
    bi.WarehouseItem.QuantityOnPOPOrder = 0;
    bi.QuantityAllocatedBOM = 0;
    bi.QuantityAllocatedSOP = 0;
    bi.QuantityAllocatedStock = 0;
    bi.QuantityReserved = 0;

Please guide me on how to write off the actual quantity as in the Sage 200 Standard Write off form.

Thank you