Need explanation how POPStandardItemLine works


Hi all,

I am looping the POPStandardItemLine or an Order using foreach loop. The item lines in the order consists of standard order line and a charge line. While looping, I encounter an error.

this is because 1 item in the POPStandardItemLine is a Charge line. 

How can I loop the lines no matter what item is inside (standard item / free text item / charge line / discount line) ?

Sage.Accounting.POP.POPStandardItemLines lines = new Sage.Accounting.POP.POPStandardItemLines();
lines.Query.Filters.Add(new Sage.ObjectStore.Filter(Sage.Accounting.POP.POPStandardItemLine.FIELD_POPORDERRETURNDBKEY, order.POPOrderReturn));

foreach(Sage.Accounting.POP.POPStandardItemLine line in lines) // the error happen here
    //do something here