Financial year end1. Nominal Codes - Trial Balance (TB) Issue: It appears that all balances, including profit and loss (P&L) figures from their respective heads from the previous fiscal year, have been carried forward, suggesting the Year-End process m


TB, BS and P&L Issue: It appears that all balances, including P&L figures from their respective heads from the previous financial year, have been carried forward, suggesting the Year-End process may not have been successfully completed. While the transaction period shows the correct financial year, prior year P&L figures such as Income from Work have been brought forward when they should not have been. Please advise how I can resolve this issue.



  • 0


    Thanks for using Community Hub. 

    Can I check, do you have a Ledger Year End journal for that year end? 

    If there are no journals you would need to Back up- Settings- Financial Year- Change back to the start of the Financial year and re run the year end. 

    For further support, use the article - How to complete a financial year end

    If this helps, please click Verify Answer.



    Sage UKI

  • 0 in reply to Keegan McNaughton


    I am not familiar with a Ledger Year-End Journal, but I did complete the Year-End process. I was expecting only the Balance Sheet figures to carry forward to the new financial year; however, this hasn’t occurred.

  • 0 in reply to N A

    Hi NA,

    The ledger year end journals are a series of journals that appear in your list of transactions when you run the year end. They appear as a batch of transactions and show the clearing of the nominal codes balances for the new financial year, you should be able to see them in the list if you click Transactions.

    The year end process journals the profit and loss nominal code values to retained profit  (normally code 3200) you can check that this has happened correctly by running a brought forward Trial Balance:

    1. Click Nominal codes then click Trial Balance.
    2. Click Preview, Run and on the Period drop-down list click Brought forward.
    3. Click OK and check that there are no balances on your profit and loss nominal codes.

    If any of the profit and loss codes have balances, restore your pre year end backup, check your chart of accounts (COA) and run the year end again.

    How to check the Chart of Accounts > 

    I hope this helps, if it does, please click Verify Answer.


    Sage UKI

  • 0 in reply to N A

    Hi NA,

    The ledger year end journals are a series of journals that appear in your list of transactions when you run the year end. They appear as a batch of transactions and show the clearing of the nominal codes balances for the new financial year, you should be able to see them in the list if you click Transactions.

    The year end process journals the profit and loss nominal code values to retained profit  (normally code 3200) you can check that this has happened correctly by running a brought forward Trial Balance:

    1. Click Nominal codes then click Trial Balance.
    2. Click Preview, Run and on the Period drop-down list click Brought forward.
    3. Click OK and check that there are no balances on your profit and loss nominal codes.

    If any of the profit and loss codes have balances, restore your pre year end backup, check your chart of accounts (COA) and run the year end again.

    How to check the Chart of Accounts > 

    I hope this helps, if it does, please click Verify Answer.


    Sage UKI

  • 0 in reply to Andy Rickeard

    Hi Andy,

    I’m encountering an issue while verifying whether the Year End process has journaled the P&L nominal code values to retained profit. When I reach Step 2, the Period drop-down list is greyed out and doesn’t display any options, preventing me from selecting "Brought forward."

    Could you please advise on the next steps to resolve this issue?

    Thanks in advance for your assistance.

    Best regards,

  • 0 in reply to N A

    Thanks for coming back, as an alternative, could you run the Transactional Trial Balance Report.

    To run this, Click Nominal codes then Reports, then click Trial balance then Transactional Trial Balance. Run it from 01/01/1980 to the last day of your previous financial year and again check the profit and loss nominal codes for balances.

    Sage UKI

  • 0 in reply to Andy Rickeard
    Hi Andy,
    Sorry for the delayed response. I’ve run the Transactional Trial Balance for the period from January 1, 1980, to February 29, 2024, and all profit and loss nominal codes are showing balances. Could you clarify what results I should be looking for?
    Also, I’ve already posted several months' entries for the current accounting year—does this add any complications to my current issue? Please advise on the next steps.
    Thank you!
    Kind regards,
  • 0 in reply to N A

    Hi N A,

    At this stage I'd suggest contacting Sage Technical Support so they can dig into this a bit further for you, you can reach them here: Sage Technical Support >