Agents Commission Report filtered by Stock Category


Greetings All,


This may not even be possible, but I will do my best to articulate what I'm trying to achieve and hopefully someone is able to help. 


I'm using a report from the Customers tab > Agents Commission (@10%). I have modified this slightly to only pull out invoices that have been paid, however, I'm having some trouble filtering by Stock Category Name/Number.


Hypothetically, our Agent receives 10% commission for sales of Apples, but only 5% on sales of Oranges and Pears. Apples, oranges and pears each have their own stock category so ideally I would like Stock Category Number to be available as one of my Criteria. I found a way to select it as a Criteria but this produces an error and no data is returned - I'm assuming this stems from an error in Join Editor. 


Any help on this is really appreciated, because of the different rates of commission I'm yet to find an efficient method of calculation.


Perhaps you have an alternate solution.


Thanks in advance.