Sage Backup with Layouts


Hi all,

I am trying to understand how the Sage Back up files work.

I have custom sales invoice and statement formats, so whenever I back my files, I backup the data and the layouts.  This is fine but makes the backup file quite large.

My fear is that I only back up the data, not the layouts, and then if i restore from that backup I would lose the custom layouts.  Is that correct though?

To make it more complicated in the short term two of us are 'sharing' the back up files.  So sending it back and forth to each other so we can both work on it on different days in different locations.  This is a very temporary issue, but I'm not sure if it has any affect on the response to my question.  The layouts are saved on my computer, and have never been used on the other computer.

Hope that all makes sense! 

Many thanks
