Microsoft & Sage50C


Good afternoon,

I have been pulling my hair out since August 2023 with no support from SAGE! 

I have Microsoft 365 & think is linked with my SAGE50C. I was able to send invoices / remittance advice etc and it was a genuine godsend and saved me loads of time. All of a sudden this stopped working and an error message "Error with the address [email protected] : No Errors" and then the system tells me that no emails have been sent. 

I have tried the work arounds on the help centre with no avail, I have tried logging it with Technical Support and I got absolutely no where. I have been told to liaise with my IT department (which is me, I am IT, Accountant, Book-keeper, shop owner, payroll, HR...) I am going crazy trying to fix this so I can email the remittance advices as this takes me forever otherwise.

Is there anyone that can help me, please? I am not great with IT & software so any step-by-step assistance would be greatly appreciated. Failing that, I think that I am going to have to leave SAGE and go elsewhere. Unless I pay extra, nobody will speak to me on the phone Disappointed

Thank you, 


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