Hi All
We were running V.29 and were advised by a couple of Sage Partner program's support teams to update to the latest version, V.30 I assumed, as we were having issues with the Partner Programs but when our IT support Co. updated the version on the server it updated to 30.01.342.0 which was then also pushed out to the users devices when we updated the devices. I thought V30.1 hadn't been released yet?
We had a major issue with the main Company's data when I did the back ups last night, coming back with 361 Errors, none of which could be fixed and so will have to restore to a previous back up.
Has anyone else updated and got V.30.1 instead of V.30. The banner in Sage is still saying that 30.1 is only nearly ready. Is it possible to go backwards and install V.29 once you've installed a later update?