Why has the way v28 handles data corruption messages changed?


If data corruption was discovered by the scheduled backup in v27 then the first user that logged in would get the message that errors have been found in the data. Once the recovery tools had been run no-one would receive this message again until the next time the data is corrupted.

In v28, when data corruption is discovered by the scheduled backup and after the recovery tools have been run, every user who logs in to the system will get the message that errors have been found in the data and these messages will continue until the next scheduled backup runs with no errors.

So lets say I come to work in the morning and login to Sage and get the message that there are errors in the data. I then login as manager and run the recovery tools which ends with a data check showing no errors. I then login as a user and I get the message saying that there are errors in the data. Then I have to inform all my staff that although Sage is reporting errors, actually there are none because it has been fixed.

How is this progress ? In my opinion a bug has been introduced into these error notification messages.