Sage 50 V30 64bit SDATA and other apps


Since upgrading to Sage V30 64bit all my integrations have broken!  Does SDATA support v30? I can no longer see the setting under Tools->Internet Options.

The move to 64bit has also broken my other 3rd party integrations. There really should have been more of a warning on the upgrade pages!

Is it possible to go back to 32bit V30?

  • 0

    Sdata has not been included as part of Sage 50 Accounts for several versions, as it was removed in v28. To use Sdata, you must download and install it separately from this link:

    I can confirm that Sdata is compatible with the 32-bit & 64-bit version of v30.

    If you wish to install the 32-bit version of v30, you can do so, but you'll need to uninstall the 64-bit version first. You can find the download link here:


  • 0 in reply to Ian C

    Thanks Ian.  I rolled back to 32bit by uninstall and reinstalling as suggested and this now works with SDATA.

    I already knew SDATA was separate as have been using it live for v29 without issue.   The moment I rolled back to 32bit all works and I can see sdata under the Tools->Internet Options without doing anything more. When I install 64bit, this vanishes and the endpoints dont work.  I have removed and reinstalled sdata using the above link and get the same behaviour.  When I check the sdata service is running without issue and nothing in the logs - so dont have much to share identify the cause.

    Is there actually any benefit to running the 64bit version?

    Very much appreciate your quick response.

  • 0 in reply to JW1098


    On the 64-bit version, the option won't show in Tools > Internet Options but 3rd party apps should continue to work.

    I've asked   to respond and give a bit more insight and collect any errors you may have captured.

    The main benefit is compatibility with 64-bit Office and additional memory. The 32-bit version can only use 4gb of your computer's memory, even if your PC has 32gb as an example. It also brings the application architecture up-to-date with Microsoft, giving us greater flexibility with development.


  • 0 in reply to JW1098

    The reason why nothing shows in Tools -> Internet Options is because the addin that the Sdata installer registers is 32 bit and the 64 bit version of Accounts cannot load it. The 32-bit version of Accounts can of course load it, which is why you see it in that version. There is no 64 bit version of Sdata and no current plans to produce one I'm afraid , so there is no workaround for this issue. However this is not the reason why the feeds do not work.

    The Sdata feeds are in fact working but the reason why you get nothing returned is because a registry key that Sdata uses to determine where Accounts data can be located uses a 32-bit location as it is a 32-bit application, but the 64-bit version of Accounts writes to the 64-bit location in the registry. In this case there is a workaround though. After installing the 64-bit version of Accounts open a command line and run the following

    reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Sage\Line 50\SettingsFolder" /d C:\ProgramData\Sage\Accounts\2024

    Then restart the Sdata service and your Sdata feeds will work as normal.

    Hope that helps

  • 0 in reply to Darron Cockram

    Hi Doram

    We have 64-bit v30 installed and also downloaded the sdata as per the link. Restarted the service. I assume the URL remains the same.

    But when we enter the url to test it continously asking for username and password.

    Also what is the best way to find the UUID etc for correct url?

    Appreciaate your help in advance.

  • 0 in reply to Hemal Jadav
    I assume the URL remains the sam

    The Sdata URL would be unchanged across versions

    But when we enter the url to test it continously asking for username and password.

    Suggests credentials are being provided or that the dataset is in an invalid state.

    Also what is the best way to find the UUID etc for correct url?

    You can query the endpoints URL. See here for more info:

    Hope that helps

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