Sage 50 V30 64bit SDATA and other apps


Since upgrading to Sage V30 64bit all my integrations have broken!  Does SDATA support v30? I can no longer see the setting under Tools->Internet Options.

The move to 64bit has also broken my other 3rd party integrations. There really should have been more of a warning on the upgrade pages!

Is it possible to go back to 32bit V30?

  • 0

    Sdata has not been included as part of Sage 50 Accounts for several versions, as it was removed in v28. To use Sdata, you must download and install it separately from this link:

    I can confirm that Sdata is compatible with the 32-bit & 64-bit version of v30.

    If you wish to install the 32-bit version of v30, you can do so, but you'll need to uninstall the 64-bit version first. You can find the download link here:


  • 0 in reply to Ian C

    Thanks Ian.  I rolled back to 32bit by uninstall and reinstalling as suggested and this now works with SDATA.

    I already knew SDATA was separate as have been using it live for v29 without issue.   The moment I rolled back to 32bit all works and I can see sdata under the Tools->Internet Options without doing anything more. When I install 64bit, this vanishes and the endpoints dont work.  I have removed and reinstalled sdata using the above link and get the same behaviour.  When I check the sdata service is running without issue and nothing in the logs - so dont have much to share identify the cause.

    Is there actually any benefit to running the 64bit version?

    Very much appreciate your quick response.

  • 0 in reply to Hemal Jadav

    Hi Dokram

    I found the enpoint url as http://servername:5495/sdata/accounts50/GCRM/{6447298A-F14B-48EA-9EAC-A3955968B321}-1

    do you think that is where the problem is and how to resolve

    Kind regards


  • 0 in reply to Hemal Jadav

    The URL is not the issue if Sdata reports this as the correct endpoint in the registry. Given you are being prompted for credentials the URL is a valid one. The problem is that the credentials you are supplying are not valid for the dataset, or the dataset is in a state that it cannot be used for some reason. Confirm that the dataset is available in the Accounts UI and that you can log on to that with the credentials you are trying to use.

  • 0 in reply to Darron Cockram

    HI Dokram

    I have been able to logon to sage on the same machine with same credentials

    Kind regards


  • 0 in reply to Hemal Jadav

     In that case the most likely problem is that the dataset you are trying to connect to via Sdata is not the same one as you are connecting to in the UI.

  • 0 in reply to Darron Cockram

    HI Darron

    sorry for misspellling your name so far.

    All we did is update the sage from version 28 to version 30 with 64 bit. Prior to upgrade the sage was on 32 bit.

    Also I did install the sdata on top of the upgrade as suggested in very first point on this discussion. Restarted the data service. Also updated the registry.

    As there is only one company in sage and it does list the url as I mentioned above. If that is not correct then how do i get the correct url for upgraded version 30?

    Kind regards


  • 0 in reply to Hemal Jadav
    As there is only one company in sage and it does list the url as I mentioned above. If that is not correct then how do i get the correct url for upgraded version 30?

    Sdata must be seeing more than 1 dataset otherwise you'd never see a -1 in the dataset URL so I'm guessing that you aren't looking at the same thing in the Accounts UI as Sdata is configured to use.

    Is 'servername' in your URL the same machine you are using the Accounts UI on?

    On the server PC open a command prompt and run the following:

    reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Sage\Line 50\SettingsFolder"

    That will tell you the folder that Sdata is using to detect datasets

  • 0 in reply to Darron Cockram

    Hi Darron

    Below is the result of command prompt run

    reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Sage\Line 50\SettingsFolder"

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Sage\Line 50\SettingsFolder
        (Default)    REG_SZ    C:\ProgramData\Sage\Accounts\2024

  • 0 in reply to Hemal Jadav

    In that case this command will tell you which paths are registered for that version of Accounts (to be run on the server PC):

    type "C:\ProgramData\Sage\Accounts\2024\company"

  • 0 in reply to Darron Cockram


    which is the correct path i use with the same credentials and able to logon successfully but with url it is going on loop of username and password

  • 0 in reply to Hemal Jadav

    We must be missing something as the only way for an Sdata URL to end up with a '-1' suffix is if there is more than one dataset as the suffix is used to disambiguate when there are two or more datasets that share the same internal identifier.

    Worth going back to basics. On the server PC stop the Sdata service. Whilst stopped delete all of the files in C:\Windows\SysWOW64\config\systemprofile\AppData\Roaming\SDOAdapterLogsV2 and start the service again. Query the Sdata registry feed and confirm the URL(s) shown in there. Query a resource under your dataset endpoint.

    If you are still seeing the same issue if you could share the logs from the above path as well as the raw results from the Sdata registry query and the exact resource URL you are attempting to use please.

  • 0 in reply to Hemal Jadav

    We must be missing something as the only way for an Sdata URL to end up with a '-1' suffix is if there is more than one dataset as the suffix is used to disambiguate when there are two or more datasets that share the same internal identifier.

    Worth going back to basics. On the server PC stop the Sdata service. Whilst stopped delete all of the files in C:\Windows\SysWOW64\config\systemprofile\AppData\Roaming\SDOAdapterLogsV2 and start the service again. Query the Sdata registry feed and confirm the URL(s) shown in there. Query a resource under your dataset endpoint.

    If you are still seeing the same issue if you could share the logs from the above path as well as the raw results from the Sdata registry query and the exact resource URL you are attempting to use please.

  • 0 in reply to Darron Cockram

    Hi Darron

    thanks for update. but while waiting for your update. I tried few things.

    1. i have unistalled teh sdata adapter and since then i am not being able to reinstall it gives me an error

    2. i created one more company from the backup data and check if it works but even on that also it keeps on going circle for username and password

    Please advise

    Kind regards


  • 0 in reply to Hemal Jadav

    That's the location for x86.

    I would check your install location, If you're using 64 bit of Sage the program directory is likely C:\ProgramFiles\Sage\Accounts

  • 0 in reply to Hemal Jadav

    1. You need to provide a folder that has the installation of 50 Accounts in it. As Ian says it looks like you are specifying the 32 bit location but have likely installed in to the 64 bit program files folder.

    2. I'm a bit confused. If you have not be en able to complete the installation of Sdata how are there any feeds or endpoint available ?