Remote Data Access - less than ideal

We are using Sage 50 V29 and RDA is an absolute nightmare to run. We have 7 users and are now having issues a couple of times per week which takes up a huge amount of my time. 

I don't have a question, but I just wanted to reach out to those of you who are hoping to operate using RDA with more than 2 or 3 people to consider firstly installing a server to host the software or outsource it to an IT company. The cost of doing that versus the time you will undoubtedly spend fixing errors will be worth it. In my opinion and experience, RDA it not suitable for those operating with more than 2 staff. I am not tech savvy but it seems that users are constantly 'fighting' for access. Well worth your while reading other posts on this forum. RDA should be avoided or at least mitigated against for all the errors and downtime you will have.