Bank nominal codes - new bank, old codes

Good morning!  Could someone please confirm whether it is ok to re-use a 1XXX code for a new bank account, which has been used before (some time ago)?  Otherwise I'm running out of codes. For historical reasons some of the codes were not used as bank codes in the past.  Thanks in advance!

  • 0

    I don't see why not, I re-use codes all the time.  But you can only do it if there are no transactions using that code, then you can delete it.

    If you are really stuck, you might want to look at using an add-on Code Changer tool that will let you re-number your nominal codes and take all the linked transactions along with it.

  • 0 in reply to Anita Harper

    Thanks Anita.  There are historic transactions but nothing for a few years - obviously I won't be reporting on that data, so I think it should be ok to start using the code for a new bank account.  

    The add-on Code Changer is an interesting idea, would that work for departments as well?  I'll do a Google of this anyway.

  • 0 in reply to LouMee

    Unfortunately you won't be able to delete an account if it has any transactions on, even if they are old. And I doubt you could set an existing account as a bank account, you would have to delete the existing code first and then re-create as a bank account.

    Code changers - yes, departments too. It's a long time since I've used them but Adept Tools and Advantage Services are the companies to look for.