Changing Pension provider


Hi We're changing from NOW pension to Scottish Widows.  Ive followed the link provided by sage help to produce the correct reports but I'm now in sage and confused as to whether I need to create a whole new pension scheme and change all the employees over or whether I rename the pension scheme currently being used?  I'm hoping it's the 2nd option...

Any help would be gratefully received

  • +1
    verified answer

    Hi Jane,

    Thanks for using Community Hub.

    We would recommend the first option so there is a clear change over and audit trail of what happens in the program, and when reporting on pensions there is a clear distinction between what was deducted on which pension scheme as they will have different references.

    The original scheme will have original joined dates whereas new scheme they should have a new join date, but assuming all employees will be going into the new scheme on same join date, you can use global changes to globally leave employees from the NOW scheme then globally join them to the SW scheme.

    If this helps, please click Verify Answer.


    Sage UKI

  • 0 in reply to Andy Rickeard

    Many thanks Andy, good to know there's a global changes option for this.  I've gone back to SW to ask which enrolment date they would expect before making any changes.  I will confirm what their answer is when I hear back.

  • 0 in reply to Andy Rickeard

    Hi Andy you are correct and SW have confirmed they want 1st May as the start date.

    I've followed the global changes link but it says I shouldn't use it as we have Sage 50 Payroll Pensions Module? 
    Can you confirm?

    Many thanks


  • +1 in reply to Jane159
    verified answer

    Hi Jane, 

    We wouldn't recommend the global change usually, as the assessment will assign the scheme, but when you're changing to another scheme, it is a manual process anyway, so this is fine to do in this case.
