Pension enrolment before 3 month deadline

Hi there,

I have a new starter and want them to join our pension scheme before the three month period. The date locks me out and says that this isn't possible. Is there a way to override the rule? (I didn't set the pension scheme up on Sage originally, so I am not familiar with how to do it/ edit it) Thanks so much

  • Hi, 

    Thanks for using Community Hub. 

    Can you confirm which part of the program you mean when you mention the date locking you out?

    Also who is your pension provider?



    Sage UKI

  • So if this is the case then you have the postponement period set in the main company pension scheme.  You can check this by selecting Company and then select Pension Schemes in the top left menu and then highlight the scheme and select Edit and if there is 3 entered in the minimum employment period, then this is what is preventing this.  If you were to adjust this on here, then this would then stop filtering all new employees.  

    As a workaround, you can create a new pension scheme on here, duplicating all the details on the current pension scheme but leave this minimum employment period at zero and add this pension scheme to this employee record to calculate pension payments for them.