Leaver at the year end



I have completed my last pay run for the year & submitted the fps and now find out that someone has left before the end of the tax year, is it possible to mark her as a leaver and raise her P45 now before i do the year end or do i have to do her a P60 and raise the P45 on the next pay run in the start of the new tax year?

There is nothing to pay as she has not worked, and now we know she is not coming back.

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    Thanks for using Sage City Slight smile

    I notice this query has slipped through without a community response, sorry for the late reply but I thought I’d pop something back to you :)

    If the employees leave date was 5/4/21 or prior you'd have needed to mark them a leaver and issue the P45 and not issue a P60. A P60 is only required for employees still employed at the business as of the last day of the tax year - so 5/4/21 in this case.

    If this has answered your question please click More > Verify Answer.


    John Howells
    Sage UKI

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    Thanks for using Sage City Slight smile

    I notice this query has slipped through without a community response, sorry for the late reply but I thought I’d pop something back to you :)

    If the employees leave date was 5/4/21 or prior you'd have needed to mark them a leaver and issue the P45 and not issue a P60. A P60 is only required for employees still employed at the business as of the last day of the tax year - so 5/4/21 in this case.

    If this has answered your question please click More > Verify Answer.


    John Howells
    Sage UKI

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