EU VAT numbers


This is probably a really obvious question. I want to put in a VAT number for a supplier in the Netherlands. Their vat number is "EU1............." Etc. The default for the Netherland VAT number is " NL........B.." . I was wondering how to change the purchase supplier information so I can put in the EU number ( I understand this new type of number is so suppliers can have one number across the EU). The Sage product I'm using is SageOne.



  • 0

    Hi TT1,

    Thanks for using Community Hub.

    You may need to check this with your supplier, the NL prefix is still correct for EU VAT numbers for the Netherlands, I believe the EU number may have relates to the VAT MOSS (VAT Mini One Stop Shop), VAT MOSS >

    If this helps, please click Verify Answer.


    Sage UK

  • 0 in reply to Andy Rickeard

    Thanks for much for the reply, It is the VAT Moss scheme for digital goods. The issue is that the vat number given for the supplier is VAT No. EU372017215 ( this is on their invoice, its for a website). They are Headquartered in The Netherlands but their EU VAT number is VAT No. EU372017215.

    I purchased a good from them, the VAT rate was 0% ( intra-EU supply) and I supplied my VAT number to them. 

    Now my issue is making a correct purchase order. I can't put in the NL VAT number as it doesn't exist. And there is no way to put in the EU Vat number. I was wondering is there a way to override the VAT number checking one on "SageOne" , Sage "Accounting" the small business cloud package.

    Many thanks, any help would be greatly appreciated.