VAT Return


I have 2 month of a VAT return on a different software and 1 month on sage, the problem is that the Year End was at the end of March.  How do I post the figures from the old software on to Sage without it affecting the Profit for this year?  I have asked Sage and they said file the return manually on the HMRC Website but you cant do that if you are Making Tax Digital and I am.

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    Hi Michele,

    Thanks for using Community Hub.

    If you've entered opening balances in Sage Accounting, the VAT values from the previous software should have been included. You can't include opening balances on a VAT Return, but if you enter a journal with one line to reverse the VAT codes opening balance and a second line to add it back on with a tick in the box to include it on the VAT Return then this will pull the values onto the VAT Return.  This should not affect the profit as you are reversing and reporting values that were already present.

    I hope this helps.


    Sage UKI