Downloading detailed VAT report as a csv


Hi, may be an issue with the MAC but I can't seem to download any reports generated as a CSV - whenever I click on them, they appear in a new tab as a text file and don't download as a CSV.  No idea how to fix this so any help appreciated.

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    No, it loads as a text file - which is odd as a couple of months ago I could download and open the CSV files no problem in Excel - so I don't know what has happened.  Once the CSV has been generated, if I click on it to open then it opens in a new tab as a TEXT file, or if I download it, it saves as a text file and doesn't give me any option to open it with Excel.


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    No, it loads as a text file - which is odd as a couple of months ago I could download and open the CSV files no problem in Excel - so I don't know what has happened.  Once the CSV has been generated, if I click on it to open then it opens in a new tab as a TEXT file, or if I download it, it saves as a text file and doesn't give me any option to open it with Excel.

