Import Transactions from csv


I'm beginning to think I've made a mistake even trying out Sage! I registered for what I believe is called "Sage Individual Free", however the only time that title is used is when applying to join. After that, if I use Sage help , I have to choose my product and "Sage Individual Free" does not appear anywhere. If I choose any other product at random (just to get past this screen) I am asked for my email which, of course, is not recognised. Why does it have to be this confusing?

I log into my dashboard and click "help" on the top right of the screen. I type "how do I import transactions from csv file" and it gives me a very clear answer i.e. go to Dashboard, go to Banking, Select Actions and choose Import from Bank (or similar to that). But there is no such option. 

And there I am stuck. There is no way to contact Sage without having a "grown up" account, seemingly. Does anyone know if there is a way to import transactions from a csv file or excel spreadsheet or any other method? Or does Sage Individual Free not even have the functionality of a Word table? My bank will only transfer 90 days worth and if I have to manually type the rest, I may just as well use a spreadsheet. 

I realise this is a free service but for goodness sake, it needs some credibility and functionality.



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  • 0 in reply to Andy Rickeard

    I realise that now, but the issue for me is the misleading information. Why does clicking the "help" menu (from the Individual Free logged-in dashboard) supply answers that don't even refer to this product?

    Furthermore, unless I'm missing something obvious, how can this product be useful to anyone who starts midway or more through the tax year? The bank connection only downloads the past 90 days of transactions so there are months and months of transactions that have to be manually added! Why would anyone spend many hours of time doing that when they could download the whole year's transactions into a spreadsheet from their bank? I realise that you have to limit functionality for a free product, but the lack of a facility to import past transactions makes it completely useless surely? Better to limit csv imports to just one or two a year for example.

  • 0 in reply to Jenn Johnson

    Hi Jenn, thanks for coming back.

    With regard to the Help articles, Sage Accounting Individual is a variant of Sage Accounting and as such the help articles for both products are retrieved by the Search option. If you check the foot of the article, the product it relates to is listed, which can help you to make sure the article applies to your product:

    I can see how confusing this can be though, so I've referred this to the digital team who look after the Help articles so they can review.

    Thank you for your feedback around the import options as well, I've referred this to the product developers for consideration.


    Sage UKI

  • 0 in reply to Jenn Johnson

    Hi Jenn, further to this, I've confirmed with the product team that they are currently reviewing the import methods available for Sage Individual.
