VAT rounding in Other Payment


I'm struggling to accurately enter an expense in 'Other payments'. 

My receipt has inc and exc VAT amounts shown, so I've entered those and all is correct - until I get to the total paid, which is a penny out. Obviously Sage is not recording rounding the same as the supplier. 

On a regular purchase invoice entry the numbers can be manually adjusted to account for these rounding discrepancies, but not in an expense by Other Payment. Every time I change the figure in a net amount, VAT amount or the line total, another column changes automatically too, so it's still incorrect. 

I also cannot save it with a separate line for the adjustment as it needs to be a minus figure, which is not allowed!

Why is this? They really are a one-off supplier, cash purchase, so I didn't want to have to add them as a new supplier, but it looks like I will have to in order to get around it... unless I'm just having an off day and can't see what's staring me in the face Laughing