Multiple Invoice templates?

I've read the information on using different invoice templates - which means I will have to change the template depending upon the invoice being sent.  Which is fine.  But is it possible to add or remove columns in a template?

We use two types of invoiceing:

Room hire invoicing which includes: date,start and end time, number of hours, rate and total amount due. Which I may be able to amend as a product invoice.

A utilities and refuse invoice - which has a line for gas, electricity, water and refuse - see below.  Is it possible to create an format similar to this?

Utility: Provider: Invoice Number Total invoice £ Café Proportion Amount due by X £
Gas GAs TEST 287.42 7% 27.13
- See comment below          
Water Water TEST 41.02 65% 26.66
Electricity Electricty TEST 747.18 99% 719.33
Refuse Collection Refuse TEST 51.25 90% 46.13
  - Collection Month Dec-24        
Total: 819.25

All the above information comes from the provider's invoices to us, entered into a spreadsheet and then printed as a pdf for the customer. Columns 'Invoice number 'to 'Amount due by X are populated from the spreadsheet.  

Thank you,


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