Individual Pay Run

I have someone who has left the company. I need to pay him seperately, for days owing and holiday pay. However, I can I run a monthly payroll. I do not know how to run a eps for him alone and how to create a payslip. I have entered his leaving date and its says I have a P45 Created.  but again I not sure what to do with this. 

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    Hi Tracey,

    Thanks for using Sage City.

    If you need to pay an employee who has left, there are a couple of options. These depend on the scenario. Could you confirm the following for me please?

    • Should the final payments have been included in the previous pay period?
    • Does the leaver show as Ceased or Leaver on the employee list?
    • Does the employee still show on the list to be paid for your next payday?

    You cannot process a separate Monthly run for one employee. There is a workaround if your Weekly calendar is unused, but it is advised that you contact one of our support teams as it can be slightly more involved.

    Kind Regards,


    Sage UKI