Sage payroll



new to sage, took up a part time role in a community project. 
I finished last year, and set up the new year, paid the first week to staff, but when I’m going in now all is in grey and cannot select SET PERIOD or most options. 
top menu PROCESSING, COMPANY PAYROLL all in grey and cannot select. 

any help appreciated

thanking you 


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    Hi Andy, 

    thanking you so much. I spent nearly 2 hours at the weekend and couldn’t figure out what went wrong. You are 100% right with your suggestion. 
    would you know how this happened? Didn’t do something wrong? I had processed week 1 prior to Christmas so as staff would be paid so maybe this had something to do with it.

    thanking you again


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    Hi Adrian,

    Pleased that solved it, and thanks for verifying that it did :-)

    To get into the archive, whether intentionally or not, you must have completed the first steps in that article, maybe to run some old reports? At least you know what to check from now on though.

    Best wishes,


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