Our V11 system has a standard Sage Statisical Parameter set up with code VEN05 which, when used on a landing page, allows us to show a real-time report showing invoiced value. One of the columns, the MTHT vairable, is the SINVOICED.AMTNOTLIN * SINVOICE.SNS (it has a currency conversion defined to show the line value in folder currency net of tax).
What's intriguing me is that there's a field "Forecast" in this screen which is set as Yes for this Variable.
Then in the Advanced tab there's the list of values which actually shows when you use the statistic as a landing page, i.e. these are the columns that appear:
P1 is being declared as a local variable for the forecast, then used against the C1 value to calculate variances on the next two columns (as an amount and a percentage).
How do I populate the values of P1? We have sales & gross profit (i.e. margin) budgets by month and customer, and I'd love to be able to do a real-time updated landing page that shows year to date progress by Customer, aggregatable up to the Rep level and total business.
Do I just need to insert a new table to hold the budget figures, pull those into the statistical trigger (linked by customer code & month of the invoice's ACCDAT), then instead of using P1 as the formula in the columns, put in formula to pull the budget value? Do I even need to do that - is there a better way to define the values of P1 that goes towards the variance calculations?
I have the sense that I'm close to knowing what to do next but I can't quite get to it.
Thanks in anticipation