Hi All

The BOMD table has a field ECCRLEGRP with the field name "Revision Group". 

It appears as a display only field in the screens BOD1 & BOD3 (BoMs and Subcontract BoMs respectively) and does not appear at all in BOD2 (Sales Kits).

Sage X3 V12 online help doesn't give any information about it at all. 

We're using both SubCon and Sales Kit boms with revision control switched on, yet the information appearing in this field appears random and is not only populated for revision-controlled component items, which is what I would expect to see if it were doing what the field name suggests and grouping together component items with similar revision characteristics. 

Our reseller  doesn't really know either - their best guess is that it's some kind of control field used by one of the native Sage programs. 

Can anyone explain what it is, what it does, and how (if at all) it can be used?

Many Thanks

  • Hi Jules,

    Could you please request that your reseller log a support ticket with us so we can look into the examples of the unexpected values being displayed in the field.

    When checking the SQL table data for BOMD, field ECCRLEGRP is updated with values following component replacement on the Sales Kit or Subcontract BoM. Is that what you are seeing?

    Kind regards,


  • 0 in reply to Rowanne Pretorius

    Ah, so are you saying that the field gets updated when a materials line gets changed for something else? Is it the "old" (replaced) line that gets the value attributed or the "new" (replacement) line? Or just is the BOMSEQ number the key field here so any change to a given BOMSEQ increments the ECCRLEGRP field? Does it, for instance, also get incremented by line change where CPNITMREF does not change but other fields do, such as LIKQTY?

    In those cases, the values we are seeing in the ECCRLEGRP field could very well be perfectly consistent with your summary on that basis. 

    We are an electronics subcontract manufacturing business & kitting house. Electronics BoMs are relatively unusual in that the number of components almost always vastly outweighs the number of build operations, which makes MRP tuning... challenging, among other things. More relevant here, it also means we get higher than usual numbers of concurrent (live) BoM revisions, and those revisions are more often about materials changes than routing or operations change. So your answer does stack up, if it means what I think it does. 

    Thank you for replying. 

  • 0 in reply to Jules@Delta

    Hi Jules,

    Yes, ECCRLEGRP is updated when CPNITMREF_0 is updated for the parent product. The first line is assigned a value 1 for the changes to  BMSTRDAT_0 and BOMENDDAT_0 changing it from available to use to in development ( validity). When a different CPNITMREF is swapped out the number increases to 2, and so on. If the CPNITMREF is swapped back to the original, ECCRLEGRP is updated with its "group" value, in this case 1 and updating BMSTRDAT_0 and BOMENDDAT_0 accordingly.

    I hope this makes sense, and answers your questions.

    Please feel free to raise this with your reseller should you need further assistance on this.

    Kind regards,

  • 0 in reply to Jules@Delta

    Hi Jules,

    Yes, ECCRLEGRP is updated when CPNITMREF_0 is updated for the parent product. The first line is assigned a value 1 for the changes to  BMSTRDAT_0 and BOMENDDAT_0 changing it from available to use to in development ( validity). When a different CPNITMREF is swapped out the number increases to 2, and so on. If the CPNITMREF is swapped back to the original, ECCRLEGRP is updated with its "group" value, in this case 1 and updating BMSTRDAT_0 and BOMENDDAT_0 accordingly.

    I hope this makes sense, and answers your questions.

    Please feel free to raise this with your reseller should you need further assistance on this.

    Kind regards,

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