A hotfix package is available for Sage X3. This package embeds a supervisor/applicative maintenance, X3 Builder Developer Studio and X3 Services technical components:
- This X3 Services 48.0.53 version must be installed with X3 Builder Developer Studio 48.0.53 and this supervisor Maintenance: WX_322308_R090_036.dat.
- This X3 Builder Developer Studio 48.0.53 must be installed with X3 Services 48.0.53 version and this supervisor Maintenance: WX_322308_R090_036.dat.
- This maintenance WX_322308_R090_036.dat must be installed with X3 Builder Developer Studio 48.0.53 and X3 Services 48.0.53 version.
This New Version of X3-Services and Dev Studio includes the following updates:
- ts-loader dependency issue during the execution of the build command in the X3 Builder Development Studio is fixed
- Property names starting with underscrore (_) have been removed from the GraphQL schema. Such prefixes are forbidden on node names and property names.
IMPORTANT NOTE: All three (3) updates must be applied together.
Those hotfixes are available in portal my.sage.pt: