Creating a Communication of Type Task using the REST API

1 minute read time.

The Sage CRM REST API can be used to create a Task Communication. This involves inserting two records into the database: a communication record and a comm_link record.

The comm_link record is a secondary entity that links the communication (task) with the person assigned to do it and the company and person records.

The following Postman screenshots show how to create a Task Communication using the REST API.

Step 1: Create the Communication Record

The first step is to create the communication record. The following request body is used to create a task communication:

  "Comm_Status": "Pending",
  "Comm_organizer": "1",
  "Comm_action": "ToDo",
  "Comm_note": "Hello world Note", 
  "Comm_Type": "Task",
  "Comm_DocName": "string",
  "Comm_Subject": "Hello World Subject",
  "Comm_OpportunityId": 228

The company_id and assigned_user_id fields are required. The other fields are optional - this may be different in your system!

Step 2: Create the Comm_Link Record

The second step is to create the comm_link record. The following request body is used to create a comm_link record that links the task communication with the assigned user:

    "CmLi_Comm_UserId": "1", 
    "CmLi_Comm_CommunicationId": "431", 
    "CmLi_Comm_PersonId": 1779, 
    "CmLi_Comm_CompanyId": 1226

The communication_id field is the ID of the communication record that was created in the previous step. The person_id field is the ID of the person who is assigned to the task. The company_id field is the ID of the company that the task is associated with.

For more information, please refer to the following resources:

Sage CRM REST API Reference:

I hope this helps!

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