A Customer was becoming frustrated that after importing company data from another system their users could not see the records. They were getting the error message "The record you requested has been deleted or you may not have security permissions to view it".
They did know how to start to investigate the issue so I thought it was worth sharing some thoughts.
%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Sage\CRM\<CRM Instance Name>\Logs\ewaresql.log
. A new file is created daily and can be used for diagnosing problems.- Click on | Administration | System | Logging .
- Click Change .
- Complete the Logging fields and click Save .
- From Select log files , choose the type of log files you want to view.
In the View Log column, click the icon to open the log file.
- Navigate to the SQL logging configuration settings in the Administration area.
Set the logging level to capture all SQL transactions. "All queries over the threshold"
In Sage CRM, a screen like the Company Summary Screen relies on a view that aggregates data from multiple database tables. A view in Sage CRM is a virtual table that pulls data from one or more existing database tables and presents it in an alternative way. It does not store data but is used to return records in response to user searches and to display relationships between different entities.
- View Rights : The user must have view rights for the Company entity to see the company record.
- View Rights for Person : To see the default person record associated with the company, the user must also have view rights for the Person entity.
Consider below
In my example I have set the Sales Rep security profile to have View, Insert and Edit rights for Person records in the users home territory but I have not given them rights if the record is assigned to them or even if they originally created the record. This creates a "hole" whereby a user could have rights over the company - because it is in their territory but the default contact for the company is in another territory that the user does not have rights. This would create the problem shown in the image at the top of this article.
This was a very long winded ways to basically say - check the security profiles to make sure that the users have rights over the company record AND the associate person records.
To sum up: To ensure that Company and associated Person records imported and assigned to a user can be viewed by that user, you should consider the following steps:
- Security Profile Configuration : Ensure that the user's security profile grants them the necessary view rights for the Company and Person entities. This includes setting the appropriate permissions for viewing records within their assigned territory or team.
- Assigned To Rights : Verify that the user has "Assigned To" rights, which allow them to view and manage records specifically assigned to them, regardless of other security settings.
- Team Membership : If the records are associated with a team, ensure that the user is a member of that team and has the necessary team rights to view the records.
By configuring these settings, you can ensure that the assigned user has access to view the imported Company and Person records.
I hope this helps!