Sage CRM 2022 R2: UX Improvements - Outlook Plugin Replacement - New Email and Contact Import feature

3 minute read time.

Sage has redesigned the Contact and Email Import feature for Sage CRM 2022 R2. Instead of using an additional install (plugin) within the email client, the CRM server connects to the target email server and the user can select contacts and emails from their account that they wish to import into Sage CRM.

What is Sage doing technically?

Before Sage CRM 2022 R2 we used additional plugins within Outlook to allow for the import of contacts and filing of emails to Sage CRM.

These plugins were based on ActiveX but this meant our customers were reliant on using Internet Explorer 11 (which went out of support on 15th June 2022) or using Edge with Internet Explorer Mode enabled. 

Please see the advisory below that discusses the use of the plugins with Microsoft Edge with Internet Explorer Mode enabled.

In Sage CRM 2022 R2 the CRM user connects to the email server from within the Sage CRM interface. A secure connection is made using OAuth 2.0 (Modern Authentication) and from within the Sage CRM screens, they can browse contacts in their email system, select and import. If the Contact has Company details that match a company in CRM then they are imported as a person linked to the CRM company else they become a lead. The new integration setup is designed to be a swift and easy action.

Similarly, the user can navigate to a Company, Person, Case or Opportunity within Sage CRM then lookup their emails from within CRM, navigate their email folders, select multiple emails and then import those messages as communications.

This is all from within the Sage CRM user interface. 

The new Contact and Email Import feature introduced in Sage CRM 2022 R2 will support connection to Microsoft Exchange Online. Sage aims to include support for Exchange On-Premise and Google Workspace from Sage CRM 2023 R1.

The business reasons for Sage's choice.

This new architecture removes the need for additional installs, it removes the dependency on a particular email Client or version and will allow support for different email servers in future as needs change.

We recognise that this may be a different way of working for many customers. Users may be used to the idea of working within Outlook and then seeing CRM screens appear in the email client when they export contacts to CRM or when they file an email.   

A user can still drag and drop emails to CRM from their email client. We have also made sure to coordinate our plans with our Sage Development partners. We wanted to make sure that Sage customers can implement and deploy Sage CRM 2022 R2 and continue to work in the way that best suits their business.


Q: Will our Outlook Plugins stop working in Sage CRM 2022 R2 when we upgrade?
A: Sage CRM 2022 R2 does not use plugins. Support for using the Sage CRM Outlook Lite and Outlook Classic Plugins with Windows 11 and Edge in Internet Explorer Mode with important limitations will continue for all supported versions of Sage CRM.

Q: Can I drag and drop emails directly from Outlook into Sage CRM?
A: Yes, you can drag an email from your email client application (e.g. Outlook) to the Document Drop icon in Sage CRM. 

Q: Is there an ISV product that will allow us to keep working in an Outlook-Centric way?
A: Accelerator Lite from CRM Together is a Microsoft Outlook client-side add-on that will allow a user to establish a CRM context when viewing emails and file the email without leaving Outlook. Accelerator Lite works on Windows Outlook Clients connecting to Sage CRM via the Sage CRM Web service and REST APIs. There is a Free Accelerator Lite Admin User (for testing and evaluation). An Accelerator Lite Introductory Offer will allow up to 5 seats free with a 1-year subscription. 

Accelerator Lite can be upgraded to Accelerator Pro. To learn more about the Accelerator Lite offer, Accelerator Pro and CRM Together please see:

This applies to Sage CRM stand-alone and when integrated with Sage accounting products. Sage 50, Sage 100, Sage 200, Sage 1000, Sage 300, Sage X3 and Sage Intacct.

  • Another question on importing emails.  The current import assigns the user's territory to the email.  This works fine as long as the user has the same territory of the company.  But when a user with a different territory imports the email, the territory assigned to the email is not the company territory.  The email then is not viewable by the user in the company territory.

  • Another question on importing emails.  The current import assigns the user's territory to the email.  This works fine as long as the user has the same territory of the company.  But when a user with a different territory imports the email, the territory assigned to the email is not the company territory.  The email then is not viewable by the user in the company territory.
