Table level script on Opportunity auto created by Quote


I am working in a system that auto creates an opportunity when a quote is created.  I would like for some data from the quote to be populated on the opportunity.  A simple example would be the Quote Reference ID.  I would like this to populate in the description field of the Opportunity.  Right now it just says "Auto:"

I tried to add this as a table level script on the Opportunity (Insert Record).  However, it does not appear to fire.  Do table level scripts not fire for an opportunity when they are auto created by a Quote?  Or perhaps I have structured my Table Level Script incorrectly?  Maybe I should have used a Post Insert Script on the Quote record???

This is what I have on the Opportunity entity for the table level script.  However, it does not appear to fire.  Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.  Thank you!

function PopulateQuoteData()
//Get the primary key of the inserted record
var oppoRecord = CRM.FindRecord("Opportunity",WhereClause);
var oppoID = oppoRecord.oppo_opportunityid;

//Transfer values from Quote to Opportunity=======================================
//Values from Quote Record---------------------------------------------------------
var quoteRecord = CRM.FindRecord("Quotes", "quot_opportunityid="+oppoID);
var quoteRef = quoteRecord.quot_reference;
var oppoRef = quoteRef.slice(2); //Removing Q- from start of quote reference
//Update Opportunity record-------------------------------------------------------
while (!oppoRecord.EOF)
oppoRecord.oppo_description = oppoRef; //Reference
//End Transfer values from Quote to Opportunity====================================
function InsertRecord()
// Handle insert record actions here
function PostInsertRecord()
// Handle post insert record actions here
function UpdateRecord()
// Handle update record actions here

function DeleteRecord()
// Handle delete record actions here