Adding Custom Buttons (Core Entity)

Hi All

I know how to add a button to a custom entity to jump to a record. But now is the question of how to add one to a Core entity. e.g. Opportunity. 

The help files I find tend to totally useless, yes I can see where to add a button - but now examples, no explaining what all the options mean. 

Doe anyone know? So if I held an ID on the opportunity record, how I could add a button down the side which would allow the user to jump to contract_review/contract_reviewsummary.asp where the xxxx_contract_reviewid equals the id? 

  • Hi Mattew

    If you add new Button group under the action Opportunity Summary

    Where custom file contract_review/contract_reviewsummary.asp

    It will add a new button on opportunity summary.

    When you click the button the URL CRM generates will be some like this:


    In your ASP page you can extract the opportunity Id from the URL, which is the Key7 param with this code:

    var id = new String(Request.Querystring("Key7"));

    Also, the function

    var id = GRM.GetContextInfo('Opportunity', 'oppo_opportunityid') 

    probably will provide you the Id you need.

    Hope this helps.


  • 0 in reply to Contantino Jovani

    Many thanks, I'll give that a go

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