Editing case - Team resets to that of user

When I edit a Case, the Team field automatically changes to my team.

When someone else edits a Case, the Team field automatically changes to their team.

We don't want it to do that - we want it to leave the Team set as it is, unless we choose to change it.

How can I resolve this?

We are using Sage CRM 2023 R2.

  • 0

    Hi Suraj 

    It sounds like there is a script on the Team field (either in the Workflow if that is what you are using) or on the screen itself that is telling it to default to the current user's team. 

    If on the Workflow it is only needed on the initial step (e.g. New Case) and not on any other step. If just on the screen, this will be a bit different as the script will need to be adjusted to check the initial value of the field and if blank then default to the current user, else just leave it alone. 

    If you let us know how you use Cases (e.g. do you use Workflow?) then we can advise better

  • 0 in reply to Matthew Shaw

    Thanks for looking into this,  . Sometimes Workflow is used, other times the case is edited directly.

  • 0 in reply to Suraj Shah

    It would be easier if everything was done one way. In theory if you are using Workflow then no user has direct access to the 'Status' block at the bottom of the screen and only have access to updating fields there if the workflow allow it (and users with System Admin rights need to learn not to use Change button to edit the bottom part). 

    For records like Cases / Opportunity I always create a Workflow button on the side 'Edit Status' which simple offers all the fields in the area at the bottom of the screen (though things like Stage / Status' are always locked as if they want to change the stage they should be using a different workflow button. This allows them to update it without having to 'progress it' through the workflow unnecessarily. 

    Which means means for key workflow steps then, when the Team needs to change (e.g. when creating the Case in the first place, or if you have a Reassign Workflow step) you can tell it to Default to the user's Team (the person who is clicking the button that is) 

    And on other workflow steps you do nothing, thus allowing the team field to keep its current value. 

  • 0 in reply to Suraj Shah

    It would be easier if everything was done one way. In theory if you are using Workflow then no user has direct access to the 'Status' block at the bottom of the screen and only have access to updating fields there if the workflow allow it (and users with System Admin rights need to learn not to use Change button to edit the bottom part). 

    For records like Cases / Opportunity I always create a Workflow button on the side 'Edit Status' which simple offers all the fields in the area at the bottom of the screen (though things like Stage / Status' are always locked as if they want to change the stage they should be using a different workflow button. This allows them to update it without having to 'progress it' through the workflow unnecessarily. 

    Which means means for key workflow steps then, when the Team needs to change (e.g. when creating the Case in the first place, or if you have a Reassign Workflow step) you can tell it to Default to the user's Team (the person who is clicking the button that is) 

    And on other workflow steps you do nothing, thus allowing the team field to keep its current value. 

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