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  • C# Error while calling Company.Factories.CustomerFactory.List()

    Description of Error: Session and CompanyContext are defined properly, but CustomerFactory.List shows an "invocation error" (see below). Do not get error on Development PC, but on other PCs, e.g., Production PCs. Code Snipper: try { customerList…
  • October 2024 Sage 50 Payroll Solutions Update for Release 2024

    We are excited to announce that a new payroll tax update for Sage 50—U.S. Edition version 2024.0 and 2024.0.1 is available starting on October 2, 2024. This update includes State Income Tax (SIT) changes for Arkansas (AR), Kansas (KS), and South Carolina…
  • September 2024 Leaderboard: Top Contributors

    We’re excited to share the September 2024 leaderboard, highlighting the amazing contributions from our community members. A huge thank you to everyone who continues to support and enrich the Sage50 community! Top Contributors: termerins – 1,833…
  • Sage 50 is perfect

    It must be perfect, because there is no need for a new release, right? They couldn't think of a single thing to improve?
  • Important release details

    We wanted to let you know that we will not be releasing a product update this calendar year for Sage 50. Rest assured, all support and services will continue as usual for the current product release (2024), until the next product version of Sage 50 US…
  • Converting an employee from hourly to salary

    How can I convert an hourly employee to salary after a promotion?
  • Peachtree closes out when opening second company file

    Hello Have a user when opening a second company file, shuts down Peachtree. I have uninstalled Peachtree and tried at best to clean up any leftover files from the Peachtree installation and reinstalled it and it does the same thing. Using Peachtree…
  • 64 Bit Crystal Reports

    I am trying to get Crystal Reports 64 bit to work with Sage 50 V30 and WOW am I having difficulty. This page pointed out the difficulty of using 64 bit: Sage 50 ODBC Connection . I'm trying to use 64 bit because I have other reports I edit that rely…
  • Accidentally deleted inventory item in prior period

    I was making an inventory adjustment and thought I was deleting an entry, but in reality I was deleting an inventory item that was acquired in February. I don't know how to fix it. My inventory module has the correct value and balance in the current…
  • Change language of <Check amount in Words> on Check form

    I wish to print checks with the <Check amount in words) in Spanish instead of English. My regional settings are all correct for Spanish in Panama, including those for currency. The OS display language is Spanish.
  • Rebuilding our database

    Hello, We had a catastrophic server failure and didn't have a proper backup of our sage data elsewhere (long story, the backup was done incorrectly). We are trying to start rebuilding our accounting system. I'm trying to look through the support manual…
  • Restore 2012 .ptb to Sage 50 2024

    I have a company that maintains the 2012 version of PeachTree and want to migrate to the latest version of your company, when I try to send me error (I know it is because of the versions). Is there any way to do it? is there any add-ons or what do you…
  • Simplify your year-end with Sage 50 US

    As we get closer to the end of the year, it's time to start thinking about how you can simplify your year-end processes. Mark one thing off your task list now! Sage 50 allows you to keep two open years, both fiscal and payroll. By closing your first…
  • Alert: Resolved - Sage 50 US - "An error has occurred in the script on this page"

    Final update on Tuesday, September 17, 2024: On Wednesday, September 11, 2024, we informed you that we were aware of some customers getting a message “An error has occurred in the script on this page” when opening Sage 50. We are pleased to announce…
  • Trying to create a technical support ticket

    I am trying to create a technical support ticket. I am given and invalid user and or password pop up, yet I can sign in to community hub using the same user ID and password. Has SAge had some issues signing into the customer portal
  • SSN Verification Form

    Is there a way to submit the SSN Verification form and only select certain employees? I do a verification each year to make sure that my ssn are correct before issuing W-2's. When I do that through Sage 50 in payroll forms, it pulls all the employees…
  • Batch Changes

    Is there an option to process batch changes in Sage 50 US? I see that this has been an option in Sage 50 UK for years, but I can't find it in my software. As an example, I'd like to change all of my inventory items' Item Tax Type from 2 to 1. Even if…
  • third party software

    A company that have a sortware wants to install it on a customeer premises in order to send and receive data from a sage quantum app .... what is the procedure wjith sage in order to comply whir sage standards?
  • Ingreso a un empresa compartida

    Buenas tardes me podrian indicar por favor como ingresos a una empresa compartida, la opcion no esta habilitada. gracias
  • Product activation failed - Sage 50 Accounting 2014

    Hi This Muhammad Adnan, I have purchased Sage 50 Account 2014 with 5 User License Key my question is I installed my software to other computer now I facing Activation Problem saying you have 1 user license if left, my question is how I can deactivate…
  • Activation & Registration

    Hi This is Muhammad Adnan I have Sage 50 Accounting 2014 with 5 user (5 license user ) my question is now I install to other computer it is successfully installed but it is given a message u have 1 user behind (1 License User), and not activation my product…
  • Sage 50 n o incia desde mi PC

    Mi sage 50 no abre desde mi computadora, no puedo accesar necesito que resuelvan eso lo mas pronto posible
  • Job Type Column for Job Reports

    Hi Everyone, I have noted in Sage a Job Type field. You can filter job reports by job types entered in this field, but I do not see anyway to add a Job Type column to the report. Am I missing something or is it labeled differently? It seems odd there…
  • Setup Sage 50 Database View

    I have a vendor that wants a database view setup so their software can read data from multiple tables. My customer is running Sage 50 2024. I don't see any real database engine (such as PSQL, MySQL or MS SQL). How might one build a view to query whatever…
  • Sage 50 2021 installation

    Hi all, I am using Sage 50 2021 now and need to install it in new PC, but this disc is not work. May i know where i can download software? Roy