J'ai créé une bibliothèque pour rassembler mes fonctionnalités utilisant les objets métiers. Dans les paramètres, j'ai mis de le compiler en x86 (32 bits)
Quand j'essaie de l'inclure dans une appli web existante j'ai un message d'erreur
Hi all,
We are having an issue while adding a SAGE300 component into a Visual Studio form (.NET project).
The error we received is: Failed to import the ActiveX control. Please ensure it is properly registered.
We have registered the accpacic1500…
If you work with Visual Studio then a library of snippets has been added to the General Development Resources folder that is available to all partners within the community. This is a resource that will prove very useful for you when customising the Sales…
A colleague asked me a very simple question.
"I want to do a basic query with simple parameters e.g. in SQL: select * from opportunity where Oppo_ChannelId = 1 and Oppo_Product='TimEx5'. Do you have any sample web services code?"
This is not such…
You are probably used to changing the build properties of a project and altering the output path that determines where the DLL gets created, as in the image below
But there is another way of handling the distribution of the DLL. Visual Studio has…
The Sage 300 web screens are comprised of 113+ Visual Studio projects. This represents a large and complex code base. Simply opening a project and viewing the components and references to understand the relationships and dependencies can…
I'm trying to run a report in visual studio using I had other issues before with version and running it with visual studio 2013 so ended up doing a simple application in visual studio 2010 with framework 2.0.
A report will work fine unless…