Notice of Maintenance on October 9th. Click here for further details.

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  • Order entry & Inventory Standard report error: error in File OEORDACD , Table could not be found

    Sage 300 2023 When the client print the Order action report (OEORDACD) standard one and other IC reports that have not been customised it gives the below error in the screenshot. Can you please assist as to what could be the problem with this report…
  • AP Automation

    Hi, We are currently using Sage 300 (on prem). We are a manufacturing facility so a large portion of our invoices are purchase order related. As our business has increased, I am wanting to automate our AP process to more efficiently handle the increased…
  • Event ID 100 - The program CP0023 has been deleted or damaged

    Hi everyone, I have Sage 300 ERP v2021 installed on a Windows 7 Virtual Machine where we run a C# application that utilizes the xAPI lib. e.g. windows application error log: Event ID 100 - Error - ACCPAC - The program CP0023 has been deleted or…
  • Orchid Notes / Information manager causing slow performance

    We are currently running Sage 2022 with no product updates. (Transitioning to 2024 once third party software finally catches up). In the mean time, we have extremely slow performance during order confirmation, purchasing PO, and Shipment packing list…
  • Lot numbers allocation

    Using extender to customise order entry. But I can't find the Roto ID or Name of Lot numbers allocation. Any thoughts?
  • Trying to add the Order Entry -> Delivery By date onto the Order Confirmation Crystal form OECONF01.RPT

    Hello, I was wondering if anyone could help guide me in adding the Order Entry -> Deliver By field onto the header of the Order Entry -> OECONF01.RPT report? I would have thought this was easy to do but I can't spot the field in the Object Model or…
  • Shipment Detail Lot Number. Record has been modified by another program

    Sage300 v6.2, Customer use v6.2 over 8 years ago. This message is the first time. Customer shipped Item with Lot in a Order Entry > Sales Order. Then, Customer want to clear shipment in Shipment Entry(before Invoice). There is 1 item with 2 lot…
  • System behaviour- Security Groups

    Just wondering if anyone has experienced the same issue. We have put in credit control approval alerts for our clients, and the only way to override it when the limit has been exceeded when performing Order Entry or Shipping, is for the authoriser to…
  • We dayend error "Description: Cannot read OESHCDL (3950 OEPOSTS1.C).".

    Today we dayend error "Description: Cannot read OESHCDL (3950 OEPOSTS1.C)." How to solve this? manas@up
  • Shipment entry error

    We are working on web integration, orders are imported in Sage but when trying to ship receiving error below. Tairox data integrity is not showing anything. I am running Sage data integrity but in my case that will take few days, 200 GB database. Anybody…
  • Mobile POS using bar codes?

    I have a Sage 300 client with an on-site retail store - very limited inventory, small amount of sales on a monthly basis. Orders have a couple of items on them. They would like to implement a system whereby they use a handheld device of some sort along…
  • Sage 300 Order Entry

    Currently, we are managing our customers RMA requests outside of the Sage programs. As far as I can tell, Sage Order Entry does not have a program for users to issue their customers RMA or tentative credits for product they wish to return. Does anyone…
  • Deleting old completed orders

    Client is on Sage 300 v2023, but now has many years of history. Using OE Periodic Processing > Clear History > Transaction History, 79 out of about 50,000 orders are left behind within the date range selected. All lines are marked as Complete, and the…
  • How to Suppress Tax Warning in O/E Order Entry

    Hello, During order entry if a user adjust the tax group they get the following warning message: is there any way we could disable/turn it off? I tried searching help files and looking through setup option for both Taxes, O/E, A/R and I couldn…
  • How do US merchants handle their ecommerce taxes when creating orders

    Hi all, I have been stuck with a problem for a while and would be happy to pay for someone's time to help me come to grips with the issue. The background: I am developing an integration between Sage 300 and ecommerce sales channels like Shopify…
  • Sage BusinessVision 2023 SBE Bug Report - legitimate Sales posted that do not pass Data Validation

    If a sale is tendered for $0.01 or $0.02 or -$0.01 or -$0.02, and tendered with "Cash & Cheque Receipts" selected as the payment method, BusinessVision will apply penny rounding and will round the total to $0.00. This will post a journal entry that…
  • Reprinting

    Hi I would like to find out how to Reprint PO and GRV, When I click on Print, the reprint PO and GRV option is disabled, I would like to reprint a PO and GRV after I have received stock but forgot to print out the documents I am using Sage 200 Evolution…
  • Pay now button on invoice sent by email

    Hello community, On SAGE 300, there is a way to have a "PAY NOW" button directly on the invoices sent as pdf to customer by email. Then when the customer click on it, he got redirected to a secured web portal transiting between Sage money and third…
  • Sage Order Entry Import by Excel

    Is it possible to import updated unit price in order details using excel file, I import data using excel but unit price can't be updated , it automatically pick the price from the finder.

    Does field: OEORDD.UNITPRICE hold a pre-tax value? If not, is there a field that does?
  • Dayend processing did create GL batch but did not created AR Batch

    Hi I have a client that is on Sage 300 2023 PU1. They Ran Dayend but did not create an AR Invoice batch. Is there a way that I can make these invoices be posted again and create an AR Invoice batch? The GL batch is 100 fine and inventory reports…
  • Where to Specify the Component Item Description for Bill of Materials

    When you click the Components Button in Order Entry for a line item that consists of a Bill of Materials (BOM) the Component Description displayed is the BOM Master Item Description. This is a setup issue for the BOM.. Go to I/C Items - Bill of…
  • O/E Order Entry - Print Picking Slip on Post rather than Order Confirmation?

    Is there any way to change the print dialoged when you click Post on O/E Order Entry to Picking Slip rather than Order Confirmation? We don't use Order Confirmations. We have to keep the OE Forms > OE Picking Slip window open and copy each order number…
  • Sage 300 2023 pu1 - Ops inquiry screens from Sage Windows Erroring

    Hi All Is anyone else experiencing the following Client is a brand new clean server, Sage Version is 2023 Pu1 . When users tries to click the Ops Inquiry screen from the Sage 300 screens, eg Order Entry the following error is received OS…
  • Standing Orders - how to update prices when price in price list changes

    Is there a way to update the prices on standing orders to reflect prices that have changed on a price list. ie. standing order has line item "Widget A" @ $2.00 from price list "Price List A" We then update "Widget" on "Price List A" to $2.50. We…