Matching Receipt of Invoice Line with One of Multiple Receipts of Goods


I've got the following scenario:

  • I create a PO with qty 1000 of Item A on it.
  • I receive against the PO at two different times, so I make two Receipts of Goods against said PO.
    • The first receipt I receive 500 of Item A, and add a charge to the receipt, Item B, with a qty of 500 and an extension of $25.00. It calculates the unit cost out at $0.05.
    • The second receipt I receive 500 of Item A, and add a charge to the receipt, Item B, with a qty of 500 and an extension of $50.00. It calculates the unit cost out at $0.10.

My issue comes when I go to create a Receipt of Invoice for one of the loads. I end up with three lines, one from the PO for Item A, and two for Item B. As a human, it's fairly easy for me to look at the first line for item B and see that the quantity and calculated unit cost match the first Receipt of Goods I entered. I therefore know to invoice the 500 of Item B @ $0.05. But let's say I didn't. Is there any way to tie back a line on a Receipt of Invoice to the Receipt of Goods that created it?

  • +1
    verified answer

    PO detail has columns to track received quantities / amounts and invoiced quantities / amounts.  There is no line matching during RoI to previous transactions... everything flows through the PO.  Watch for issues related to Purchases Clearing amounts posted, when you do multiple receipts against a line at different costs.  Sometimes, the PC amount is done at the wrong unit cost, causing an imbalance.

    If you add a line during a receipt, Sage should add it to the PO detail table during the receipt posting.

  • 0 in reply to Kevin M

    Alright, I'll match lines for invoicing by quantity and cost. Thanks, Kevin!

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