'Error 88: Invalid/Unknown property' on reference to a business object from within the same object
I am trying to browse the records in the 'SO_SalesOrderDetail' from within a Column Pre-Validate script on ItemCode in the same table'.
This works from a separate business object (e.g. SO_SalesOrder_bus), but I'm guessing there is a inability to do so from with the same object. Can someone confirm this?oSO_SalesOrderDetail = oSession.GetObject("SO_SalesOrderDetail_svc") 'returns 100168
r = oScript.DebugPrint("oSO_SalesOrderDetail=" & oSO_SalesOrderDetail)
Set oSO_SalesOrderDetail = oSession.AsObject(oSO_SalesOrderDetail) 'Gets Error 88
r = oScript.DebugPrint("Set oSO_SalesOrderDetail=" & oSO_SalesOrderDetail)