BUG?? Set the step description in Work Ticket Entry - The Description is greater than 30 character(s).


I'm using the line of code below, but I'm getting an error stating: "The Description is greater than 30 character(s)."  No doubt this is because the step description is stored in the JT_WorkTicketText table (much like the CI_ExtendedDescription table). 

Any ideas as to how to write to the full description to that step description while in the Work Ticket Entry screen?  Or is this functionality just missing from the BOI?

The script is running on JT_WorkTicket pre-write and the code is simply: 

sMessage = "0123456789-0123456789-0123456789-012345"

retval = oBusObj.SetValue("Description$", sMessage)

sMessage = "0123456789-0123456789-0123456789-012345"

retval = oBusObj.SetValue("Description$", sMessage)

Am I out of luck?

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