• VB script to lookup AR_SalesPerson error

    Hi Team, We add a lookup button in Sales Order entry header UI, we want to select a SalesPersonNo from AR_Salesperson look up, use to an UDF (Received Rep), here is the VB script code, sSalesPersonNo = “” retVal = oUIObj.InvokeLookup("AR_Salesperson…
  • Button Link Script Exceeding Timeout

    I have a MS Script Link button added to a panel (SO Shipping Data Entry PLINES) that is executing a VBScript file on the server because I need access to Business Objects. My script collects the underlying invoice data and then calls an external program…
  • How can I make fields from Job Cost available to bring over to Sales Order?

    I'm trying to add a few fields into a Sales Order Entry screen - Job Address, Name, Country, Zip, City, State - from the Job Cost module. I remember there was a way to kind of "cheat" it by linking them as business objects into a UDF or something like…
  • Passing additional emails addresses when printing to Paperless Office engine with BOI

    on Standard 2020.1 I've been able to create a BOI Script that fires from SO SalesOrder Header Post-Write that will email out the Sales Order. I would like to add a few additional parameter values like another email address (Header UDF value), a different…
  • looping through SO Lines fails

    On Sage 100 standard 2020 PU1 and client's advanced 2022 pu3 Trying to do a simple looping script using a post-write trigger in SO Sales Orders. sLineWhse = "" COUNTER = 0 retval = 0 oLines = 0 Set oLines = oSession.AsObject(oBusObj.Lines) retVal…
  • .Find for BM lines

    This is step one of a multi step process (using sage 100 Advanced 2022 pu3) I'm running a script from within BM Production Entry Detail, Pre-write (it is executing properly). My goal is to use the values contained in the production entry [ParentItemCode…
  • Run a script as a Master SO is being updated with quantities ordered

    I want to run a script against a Master SO, as a Standard SO is being created from that Master. I've tried a few different events (header pre-write, detail pre-write, detail column MasterQtyOrderedToDate...) and the test scripts are not being triggered…
  • Security Override

    Hi Forum, Is there a way to instantiate the Security Override panel for Unit Price Override in Sales Order entry? Or, any other way to create a panel in UDS VBscript to enter a passcode to override the price? Regards,
  • Trying to Open Sage 100 UI with Scripting

    Hey Guys, I am currently trying to automatically create Sales Orders via a different application and that application after creating the Sales Order opens the Sales Order Entry UI. I Am successfull in opening the UI, But What Problem i face is it opens…
  • Need help with a script to prevent A/P Invoice Data Entry line entry...

    When a certain G/L number is entered in A/P Invoice Data Entry, I would like to not allow the entry to be added to the Lines screen if the job number is missing. Any help with this script would be greatly appreciated. If I cannot prevent the entry of…
  • Error 88 (script) related to oHeaderObj.EditState

    Confirmed in v2023 Premium and v2023 Standard (both 32-bit). Have a SO Detail script, pre-write, that checks the status of oHeaderObj.EditState (...only wanting to run the line script for new orders). Click to run an unrelated button script in SO…
  • Setting Break Points for Debugging Scripts

    Can anyone give me a quick explanation of how to use break points in the debugger. I can't seem to find any examples anywhere.
  • BOI Avanced

    I decided to use the ScriptBasic application web server that runs as a Windows service for the workstation UI. The web server supports BOI and other extensions like ODCC and cURL. DCOM became another layer I didn't want to deal with. This also gives…
  • Getting data from an unrelated table

    I am using a User Defined Script with the SO Sales Order Header and linked it to the post validate on the CustomerNo field. I need to lookup data on the AR_CustomerShipToTaxExemptions to search if the customer has a TaxExemptionNo defined. I've searched…
  • Current Business Object

    Is there an easy way to tell what the current business object is? I am writing a number of user defined scripts that have to do with OM and am at a loss for where to hook them to. I've done everything that I can think of with the debug utilities and scoured…
  • External Script to Loop Through Deposits in Batch

    I am attempting to create an external script that will update all deposits in a Cash Receipts batch in the event something was entered incorrectly during data entry (i.e. BankCodes, DepositDates, etc). It would appear that the script is working fine until…
  • SO_Detail UDS Edit for Drop Ships

    I had this script in place to handle any items that were coming from this one Vendor (0001630), the script would check off the DS check box and also mark a UDF_QTY_REC with the ordered qty if that vendorno was selected. We had a process change and now…
  • Library Master > Automatic Update

    Can anyone explain to me how the Automatic Update utility works? I recently made a job in Task Scheduler to run SO Daily Sales Reports/Updates, it works great except we get a Paya communication error every night and have to restart it. So I was looking…
  • Item Alias Update from UDF

    I am trying to update the Alias Item for new items created for a POS system. I need to create an Alias Item for each new item created and the Alias Item needs to be = UDF_UPC, it also needs to be a "General" type with the Alias Item Description ="SKU…
  • BUG?? Set the step description in Work Ticket Entry - The Description is greater than 30 character(s).

    I'm using the line of code below, but I'm getting an error stating: "The Description is greater than 30 character(s)." No doubt this is because the step description is stored in the JT_WorkTicketText table (much like the CI_ExtendedDescription table)…
  • How to Flow a UDF from Sales Order Header to SO History Header Reliably

    With identical UDF names in both tables, the original value set into the SO Header UDF via a ColumnPostValidate script from a standard field works to flow the value to SO History Header, but subsequent successful updates directly to that SO Header UDF…
  • Sage BOI SO_PackageTrackingByItem_bus

    I am attempting to write a Sage BOI VBS program to read and write to the SO Shipping Data Entry Package Tracking By Item object and am receiving the error <NewObject Error: 200>. I am using a Sage user that has full access to Sage and have the company…
  • Sales Order lines Promis date - getting line key is read only message.

    Hi Forum, I've been trying to update Standard Sales Order line promise date from Master Order Lines with no luck. I am getting The Promised date from the last line in the Master Order updated only, all lines on Standard order with same date. Here…
  • DocumentTotal Bug?

    I should start off by saying we are still on v2020 for compatibility reasons. It appears that the `oBusObj.DocumentTotal` property (Sales Order Bus) doesn't calculate on quotes (it's value is 0). Is this intended behavior? The moment I change the order…
  • Can I write a script to show what is the error on the BI button MS Script I created

    Dear all, Is there a way to have a short script alone with the BI script to show error message on why my script doesn't work. In other word, how to trigger error message on a BI script, something related to this code - oBusObj.LastErrorMsg. Correct…