Inventory Negative Tier Report Qty On Hand


When we ran the Inventory Negative Tier Report it has items on there that have positive Quantity On Hand, 0.00 Tier Quantity and a Tier Value greater than 0.  Cost Tier: FIFO

How do we get rid of these positive on hand quantity items from the report?

  • 0

    Is there a quantity in the next to the last column 'Tier Quantity' or 'Tier Value' in the Negative Tier Report?  Look in Item Maintenance at one of the items, Cost Detail Tab for same warehouse.  Are there any lines that say Overdist with a negative quantity.   

    Make a backup then run the Inventory Negative Tier Adjustment report which should match up any Overdist tiers with those positive numbers and they will be removed from the report.  

    If they are not removed, do inventory adjustment of +1, then rerun the adjustment.  If that removed the item, then go do Inventory Adjustment to put inventory back to 0.00.

    If that does not resolve, please contact support for further troubleshooting.

    If this post does resolve the issue, please verify the answer for future use by others.